Reclaim the future

A hopeful radical community, by and for young people.

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Who we are

We are Ta tillbaka framtiden (Reclaim the Future), a hopeful radical community, by and for young people.

We are in peaceful resistance against a society which burns our chances of a dignified life. In a world which does not care for us or the lives of innocent people resistance is the best possible life. We reclaim the future.

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Society is on the brink of a climate catastrophe. Already today people are brutally hit by the global heating. You and I will also be affected.
Society has all that is needed to transition away from this and still the people in power let the world burn. It does not have to be this way, change is possible. We will gather, strengthen each other and fight for the lives of ourselves and others.

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Join the movement!

We are a movement in Sweden. If you want to join or know more about us - send an email to:
[email protected]