About us

Ta tillbaka framtiden (Reclaim the Future) is a hopeful radical community in Sweden, by and for young people who are 12-30 years old. We want to live in a society which acts forcefully to handle the climate crisis and counter injustice. We exist to take matters into our own hands and create the future we hope for.
Reclaim the Future is not affiliated with any political party or religious group.
Resistance and community
We use non-violent methods and engage in peaceful resistance against a deadly system, against a society which burn our chances of a dignified life. While doing this we create the community and caring co-existence we have longed for in order to live our best lives as young people in a time of climate crisis.
We will not wait to see our lives ruined. Instead we act in resistance against the forces which cause the destruction, and take care of each other.
A hopeful future
We strive towards a future with a place for everyone and in which people respect one another; a society within the planetary boundaries where we realize that humans belong to and are dependent on nature. We work for a just world and against structures of oppression. We break with loneliness, help each other and allow our feelings to surface. The world needs a society where well-being is prioritised before economic gain.

What we’ve done so far
The movement was launched 1 March 2023 with celebrations on the roofs of gas stations in Gothemburg, Malmö and Stockholm.
During 8 days between 1-14 April 2023 we stopped the transport of fossil fuels day after day in the port of Gothenburg, where 50% of Sweden’s import of crude oil enters the country. This was done by sitting in front of and climbing fossil fuel trucks entering and leaving depots in the harbour.

Every day for 6 consecutive days between 15-20 June 2023 we stopped the transport of fossil fuels again - this time in Malmö in the south of Sweden, and on multiple occasions during the summer we also blocked fossil fuel transports from oil harbours in Nacka and Södertälje in Sweden.

We have also had a party, a panel discussion with the young climate movement in Sweden, eaten breakfast at fossil fuel company headquarters, and in August 2023 we arranged a climate festival together with Friends of the Earth and Färnebo Folkhögskola.
Join the movement!
We are a movement in Sweden. If you want to join or know more about us - send an email to:
[email protected]