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SEB: Sweden's biggest lender to fossil fuels

Of all Swedish banks, SEB is the one with the biggest loans to the fossil fuel industry. Since the Paris Agreement entered into force in 2016, SEB has suported the fossil fuel industry with 172 billion SEK, enabling huge CO2 emissions.

Along with several other movements, Reclaim the Future is now campaigning against SEB and the threat they pose to our future. This far, we have used a variety of methods, such as demonstrations, talking to employees and occupying their offices all over the country. We have done this giving them two simple demands:

Our demands on SEB:
1) Do not provide new loans to companies expanding fossil fuel activities.
2) Terminate all relations with companies that do not want to stop fossil expansion.

Everything you need to know about SEB and their loans

The fossil fuel industry does not work alone, but is deeply dependent on institutions such as governments and other companies. However, their most important acomplices are the banks. Through loans and investments the banks are enabling the fossil fuel industry to continue their business. This means that most banks are not the reliable actors that they claim to be.

In Sweden, SEB is the one bank that has lended the most money to the fossil fuel industry, according to a report from Fair Finance Guide.

SEB is the bank in Sweden that lends the most money to the fossil fuel industry, according to a raport from Fair Finance Guide. Ever since the Paris Agreement in 2016, SEB has supported fossil fuel companies with 172 billion SEK. In 2024 alone, the banks fossil lending mesured to a total of 31 billion SEK. Out of the fossil fuel companies to which SEB is lending money, about half are searching for new oil and gas -- eventhough The International Energy Agency (IEA) has stated that there is no place for such projects, if the world is to stay below 1.5 degrees of warming.

SEB is fueling the climate crisis -- and they know what they are doing. As opposed to many other Swedish banks, SEB does not require their clients to stop their expansion of fossil fuels. The only demand SEB is making is that clients must make changes to prevent global warming to 1.5 degrees -- a goal they themself undermines by lending money to fossil fuel expansion.

We need your help

Employee of SEB? Suport us from the inside. Complain to your boss, talk to your coworkers. For more information and to send tips to us, write to:[email protected]

Customer at SEB? Change bank! Let SEB know what you think about their loans. Call, email or book a meeting.

Neither of the above? Write to SEB and complain anyway! The best way to reach them is by mail: [email protected]

You can also read our open letter to SEB (In Swedish):